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Golion Episode 47 - Does Kogane Confess PDF Print E-mail
Written by Arus   
Friday, 19 January 2007

Image For a few weeks now, there has been some questions concerning Episode 47 from the Golion series, that many fans feel that Akira Kogane (Keith in Voltron) confesses his "love" to Princess Farla (Allura in Voltron). Since I am a fan of the whole Keith/Allura couple thing, I thought it'd be interesting to see what is actually being said in the scene after the meeting in the beginning of the episode. To familiarize yourself with the scene, you can view it here:



 Now, after reading the translation over and over again, Im thinking that we are reaching a conclusion that is far from any type of confession, but something that has to do with EARTH; that Kogane is
actually speaking about how he doesn't want what happened to EArth to happen to Altea.

But here it is . Some parts were not translated because my co-worker wouldn't understand the context or it was "mumbled" or hard to hear. Remember this is a literal or strict translation.

Anything between [ ] are what he could not understand. It could be because its referencing a place or another character, to which he's not familiar with. If there is a * next to a translation, its my
attempt at trying to make some sense out of it.

Scene 1:

Kogane - You have something to discuss?

Raible - I have a request regarding the princess.

Isamu - A request?

Kogane - What does that mean?

Raible - [Shizarengou no meishi in osare yonjyu no suugo hoshi boshi
no kibou no shouchyou ni natta.]* ~ She is no longer the princess of
before. **

Tsuyoshi - So what!?

Isamu - [She?] wants to leave the Golions (team)?

Raible - [No, soshiki ha chitsujyou ga hitsuyou da. Shizarengou no
meishi de ha arou okataga], if she is forever the Golions' right leg,
cough cough, it wouldn't be the correct "position". From here on, I
would like the princess to be the Golions' head, no, have her pilot
the Black Lion.***

Kogane - What!?

Isamu - Do be ridiculous! Try putting the princess in the Black Lion!
She doesn't have enough lives!****

Tsuyoshi - Of course! It's impossible for you!

Hiroshi - And the Black Lion is not so easy to control. You have to
train a number of times more than us!

Raible - Is that so...

(sounds like) Tsuyoshi - I'm against it!

(sounds like) Isamu - I'm against it as well!

Raible - Kogane, how about you?

Kogane - [immamade ha umi wo katte kureta.] But letting your guard
down for a moment will take your life. If the Golion were to be
defeated... you should know better than anyone.

Raible - However, [chitsudeha tomote nakuteba shiarengou ha houkaisuru.]

Isamu - Then, it doesn't matter what happens to the Golion's chi chi?

Raible - I beg of you. Make up for her lack of skill...*****

Isamu - I decline!

Tsuyoshi - If we could do that, we would have done a long time ago!

Raible - I see...

* In this, Raible is saying something about a "person". I beleive his
name is Shizarengou and Meishi is a "title" (like lord, or a noble).
Following he's talking about something that took 40 of something to

** Literal here, but Raible is simply alluding that Farla is no longer
a "weak" woman, and she's grown into her role as leader.

*** Here, he refers to Shizarengou again, and that his concern that as
leader, the princess shouldn't be piloting the Blue Lion but she
should be the one that is in the leader position, and wants her to
start piloting Black Lion.

**** Again, literal here, but Isamu is basically saying that the
Princess' life isnt worht sacrificing to pilot the main lion.

***** Literal. Raible is asking them to please train her to fly/handle
Black Lion.

Scene 2

Raible - Kogane, I beg for your understanding (even if it is
impossible).Actually, the princess promised the [arouji tachi]* that
she will pilot the Black Lion. Sorry, during the party, murasei's
Captain Mac laughed at me saying "Shizarengou's personality (ed: like
a celebrity) is the Golion's right leg?" I got caught up and said,
"Next, she will be piloting the Black Lion." Captain Mac and the
Arouji where greatly pleased, they encouraged the princess, they
claimed that she is truly our personality (person of high esteem)...
It can no longer be taken back.**

Kogane - Beautiful. The night(s) on Earth was also beautiful. Our
feelings for each other which have never come together has been
entirely destroyed. I do not want to repeat that mistake again. [kono
harutte areha.]*** / *****

* Arouji Tachi - this pertains to the "men" in the early scene where
they are having a meeting. Im assuming that he's referring to the
group as a whole.

** I'll take the whole passage on this. Basically, It was the princess
who started it, in conversation to the members they were meeting with,
and that Shizarengou, was a well respected person, she felt that she
need to prove herself as a leader by making a comment she should fly
Black Lion. Raible over heard and just exascerbated the situation by
turning her "off comment" into a serious suggestion. He got caught up
with the whole thing.

*** this is where he couldn't hear what was said because the audio
actually drops. but , from its inference, basically Kogane will agree
to have the princess pilot Black Lion for Altea's protection.

***** And this entire passage is at the heart of our obsession (or is
it my obsession?). Again literal, but here, Kogane is being "poetic" .
At first he reflects on how Earth had "beautiful night skies"
comparing them to the scene before him (since he is standing at the
window). The passage is real short, so it can be taken one of two ways
: one he's expressing his feelings over Farla, and that they "missed"
telling each other how they feel and that opportunity is gone (meaning
he will never have a chance to do so), or he's EXPRESSING his feelings
over having seen Earth destroyed at the hands of the Galra empire
(since it was their attack on Earth in the first episode that prompted
them to launch nuclear missiles and start World War III). And that he
missed his opportunity to "protect" EArth. So, he agrees to train the
princess so that Altea will NEVER experience what Earth went through.


So, that's it. I, in my honest opinion, really think that Kogane isn't
expressing any type of feelings for the princess, but that he is
speaking of EARTH. It actually fits into the conversation, he is
having, and why he was alluding to Earth in the beginning of his speech.

So what do you guys think?



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