has posted a review of the screenplay draft by Justin Marks , and the reviewer spares no expense at ripping it apart. He provides more details into the story thus far with the script and also agrees that is just the makeup of several other movies into this diatribe of boringness.
Speaking of suicide, there is an oppressive emptiness to Marks's 5/23/07 draft of Voltron; though it cribs heavily from Star Wars, the creative desperation plunges the reader into a metaphorical River Ouse. "If this is the future of mainstream filmmaking," one drones above the pocket-muffled clatter of stones, "then let me be done with it."
As mentioned above, Voltron takes place five years after the Earth has been ravaged by their Robeast overlords. Marks flatters himself by depicting his world as "a cross between Escape from New York and a Vonnegut apocalypse fantasy". He does not cite a particular Vonnegut tome because he clearly has not read one. Better, then, to rephrase his post-apocalyptic setting as "a cross between 1990: The Bronx Warriors and Tom Sizemore's bedroom".
If the excerpt above doesn't give you just the bad vibes about this film, then you'd hate to find out that, The DRULES are the robeasts responsible for attacking the Earth in a 1 day war; that Coran is Allura's father, and they're both over 12,000 years old, and Pidge is a kid who had to fend for himself, making him reminiscent of Molly Ringwald's character in Spacehunter : Adventures in the Forbidden Zone - remember that horrible film?
Okay, I really think its time, just to put the Voltron Live Action movie on the back burner, and let it stew for the next five years. Really, WE dont need a movie about Voltron on the big screen, if its not going to get the due justice it deserves. I rather save all this energy and money and get the series to be redone in animated form, than to waste time on a movie, that is just turning many fans stomachs sour.
Justin Marks, no offense, I know you claim to be a fan, but your "track" record is lacking. Yes you're young, yes you have stars in your eyes, but with your treatment of Voltron, Im not impressed. Get a few films under your belt, first, then come back to handling the "big" licenses so that you learn to respect the material from which you are trying to adapt it from. I think its time that you hand over the writing and take on a partner, so they can go over your work to make sure that you're not getting carried away with stealing the plot devices from 20 movies to make this one movie. Voltron can be ORIGINAL, if you just step back from what you "think" it should be like and realize "WHAT" it should be like.
For now, I wanted to give this a chance, but as more details are released, the more I really do not want to see this film. Its disheartening to see something, you grew up with be destroyed. As I always will state, a movie doesn't have to be made. I do dream of a good live action movie, but I want a movie that captures the magic that I felt when watching the show. And none of that is present in the current version of this screenplay.
Hope to keep up to date with any new movie information that is released.